Laughlin Memorial Chapel
Young Lions Club
The Young Lions Club meets every Thursday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. to provide instruction in the ancient art of drumming. The club is open to boys only who are in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. The weekly meetings are held in the Harambee Room at the Chapel under the direction of father and son team Keith and Maurice Miller.
The second part of the program is to to provide an interactive Biblically-based learning experience. The curriculum comes from Haitian pastor, Byambison Pierre, who is the Country Director for Korekipe. Korekipe is a cross-culture mission which raises funds from USA supporters to be used on the field, in the communities near Port au Prince, Haiti, for educational seminars and workshops for children, youth, and church leaders.
Keith is the Facilities Coordinator at the Chapel and Maurice is a volunteer who helps mentor our youngest Chapel students.
If you are interested in learning more about the Young Lions Club, contact us today at (304) 232-2630 or by visiting us at 129 ½ 18th Street in Wheeling.