Laughlin Memorial Chapel
Our Programs
The Afterschool Program generally begins on the Monday after the week of Labor Day. Applications are requested by the end of August. The Summer Day Camp program begins in mid-June and runs through the last week of July. Applications should be received by no later than the Friday prior to Memorial Day.
Late applications for programs are accommodated as we are able. Some programs may have a waitlist. Call for more information regarding programs, deadlines, and availability.
Afterschool at the Chapel is open to elementary students (K-5).
The program offers homework and reading help, along with opportunities for fun and enrichment. Staff, volunteers, and community partners provide a wide variety of activities—cooking, gardening, tech skills, arts, music, dance, games, crafts, and more.
The Chapel follows the Ohio County School calendar. There is no Chapel on days when school is not in session (snow days, holidays, etc.).
Transportation is provided from school to the Chapel and from the Chapel to home for students. An afternoon snack and dinner are provided. There are no fees.

The summer day program runs for six weeks, beginning in mid-June through July, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Children must have completed kindergarten prior to enrollment. The program includes transportation and meals (breakfast, lunch, and snack).
The Chapel is an Energy Express site, in partnership with WVU Office and Extension Services. Energy Express helps kids maintain and improve literacy skills over the summer. The half-day program is built on engaging, fun, hands-on activities, with high-quality children's literature.
Summer afternoons are for crafting, games, and trips to local parks and pools.

The Chapel participates in the CACFP and SFSP Programs through WVDE and USDA.